Thursday, 31 May 2012

Mudenge blocking grants

The non-repentance of the Minister of Higher Education continues as students continue to languish with funding challenges in the country’s higher learning institutions. 

It has become apparent that Mudenge does not at all want students to be given grants as he has recently shot down efforts by the Finance ministry to reinstate the Grants and Loan student funding system. 

The Ministry of Finance is indicating that it has raised funds to kick start the bankrolling of the grants system but the Ministry of Higher Education is unceremoniously insisting on the faulty Cadetship Scheme that has only succeeded in yorking students bondage in an economy that is being further sabotaged by Mudenge’s compatriots.  

In an effort to track progress, ZINASU National Represantatives pestered the ministries for close to one and half weeks seeking clarity and the current position on the Grants but the response from the Ministry of Higher education has been devastating. Coupled with gross non-corporation, the Ministry has responded that it is “still looking into the matter”, but meanwhile “cadetship is there to stay”. 

Students in the country’s tertiary institutions are suffering from chronic funding challenges that overspill into various other challenges that disturb their learning and career nurturing process. Students are dropping out in numbers while some are resorting to uncouth means of raising money.

The treasury has indicated that it highly relies on diamond proceeds among other things for the financing of higher education and the raising of the living wage for the worker. It is however unfortunate that most of the ministries charged with the tributaries that feed into the treasury are Zanu Pf ministries with lootocrats at their helm.

 Diamonds are reportedly being looted to smooch parochial personal interests and sponsor luxury living with reports that some barons are now commuting in private jets. Zimbabwe is also ranked number one on the number of Benz per capita in the world while the students and  millions suffer. 

ZINASU would like to urge the nation to reject such malpractices and take ownership of the country’s destiny.